Health and Wellness


You know when our hearts are in our throats and the work is hard AF and you hear me say “you’re in it?” It’s my way of reminding you that you’re present. You’re in it. You’re doing the work.

And you definitely know when you’re in it and when you’re not, right? Sometimes we take meaningful pauses and sometimes life totally gets in the way. There are times when we’re on top our practice and fully committed, and there are times when we just can’t get ourselves to open the app let alone do a Quick Burn. Whether you just joined SLB or you’ve been practicing for years, I want you to know that it’s totally normal. No matter what your reason is for falling off, it’s okay. Here’s what I recommend if you want to get back on track:

Instead of being avoidant, guilty or feeling into perfectionism, give yourself permission to pause/rest and be mindful about how you’re going to start again. Make a date with yourself in your calendar and start with a Quick Burn or anything that lights you up from your favorites. Don’t be afraid to check in with me for accountability (it’s my favorite part of what I do) and you’ll be in it again in no time.


Tomorrow is the first day of spring! The Spring Equinox marks the transition to a new season and the very welcoming equal balance of daylight and darkness. The seasonal shift invokes hope and a change in habits: fresh perspective, new rituals, a clean slate.

Speaking of new rituals, this week we’re incorporating outdoor walking into the weekly schedule. Walking (fast) in the fresh air is great for feeling strong, alive, connected, and forward-moving. I’ve forever been a walker but without a car has me on foot more than ever and it’s been a complete game changer in the way I feel, both mentally and physically.

Get inspired and make a playlist with your favorite music or use our new March playlist on Spotify and keep proper walking form in mind: Stand tall, eyes forward, strike with the heel, roll through the foot, push off the toes, and squeeze the glutes.


Harper’s Bazaar, February 1970

Transmuting energy is simply taking the energy that you have and changing it into something that can be useful. When unfavorable instances happen in our lives it’s so easy to dwell, ruminate, and talk to all your friends about it, right? The things that trigger our emotions the most can either become a weapon to defeat us or tools you can we use to learn and build ourselves.

Emotions are energy in motion. To emote means to express, if we don’t express, we tend to repress. Why waste that energy in repressing when we can emote and change it into something we want?


Just like our plants need to be watered and phones recharged, so do we.

Finding ways to recharge is such an essential part of self-care. It’s not just about getting enough sleep or movement, but finding a ways to recharge our body, mind, and spirit through a variety of health and wellness practices. I’ve made a short list of a few of my favorite ways that I water myself to help inspire you:

  • Slb/Stretch/Dance

  • Meditate

  • Create

  • Eat whole foods

  • Take a bath

  • Connection

  • Spend time with friends

  • Stay hydrated

  • Take mini walks throughout the day

  • Skincare

  • Get enough sleep

  • Hugs and love

  • Make time for art or learn something new

  • Ask for support

  • Organize and declutter your home/inbox


Think you’ve hit your ceiling? You haven’t, I promise.

Same diet, same exact workout, same length of time on the mat, (with the same mods), and same comfort zone? Check out my six tips that will help you test your limits, become more connected to movement, push through the good pain, and your next SLB workout.

Go beyond aesthetics. Sure, having a killer bod is a side effect of SLB, but for a lot people, “wanting to look hot” isn’t something that they’re actually emotionally connected to. I’ve found that thinking about strength is more powerful when your trying to power through a plateau.

Break it up. Less can be more. Think about finishing in smaller increments or choose a Quick Burn and give it your all. Cutting the full length into two, 25-minute halves is a lot less daunting and you won’t have that pit of dread that usually starts brewing long before you press play.

Stop watching the numbers. Be present. Being fixated on reps, calorie burn, or how many minutes you have left will only make the time pass more slowly, and will keep you from ever getting fully mentally “in the zone” and in your body. If it’s a hard habit to break, put a piece of tape over the time counter on your screen or your HR monitor.

Know your WHY. I say it all the time, but it’s so important to know and connect to and with your true north.

Really feel it. Find something you enjoy about what you’re doing. I always like to feel like I’m punching above my weight. You’re doing SLB because on some sick level, you enjoy it, right? Remember that. Consider what you “like” about it so that you enjoy the sensation of building muscle rather than just thinking of it as just a painful experience.

Be grateful for the body and mind that allows you to move. When I teach and our hearts are in our throats, I like to remind people what a privilege it is that they can move. It’s easy to forget that being able to work out is a gift. You’re SO BEYOND lucky you get to do 100 squats and lunges.


Feel Eff-Ing Energized

Stir your spirit. Quench your thirst. You know to hydrate—but what if your water did more?

Vivaciously passion fruit lemonade flavored and brimming with feel-good ingredients, this plant-based, water-activated functional powder uplevels your hydration while helping support all-day energy and mental focus without refined sugar and caffeine.

Sakara’s Energy Effervescents are one of my favorite supplements that I take daily, upon waking. It supports cellular energy production, enhances mood and and supports mental performance. 20% off with LAURENSAKARA.


As I look ahead to the shift into Fall (and back to school), I almost immediately feel anxiety. As women, we often find ourselves juggling multiple responsibilities—family, work, school, relationships, and more. It can be completely overwhelming, and when life gets too stressful, it can lead to anxiety, worry, and even panic. You know when you spend the day feeling flighty, disconnected, and just going through the motions? There are ways to find balance and bring yourself back to calm and centered, and one of the most effective methods that I’ve relied on for most of my life is grounding. In fact, you’ll often find me literally sitting on the floor. One of the reasons Activation feels so good is because we really ground down over the course of a few days.

Grounding basically means to bring your focus to what is happening to you physically, either in your body or in your surroundings, instead of being trapped by the thoughts in your mind that are causing you to feel anxious. It helps you stay in the present moment instead of worrying about things that may happen in the future or events that have already happened but you still find yourself going over and over them in your head. Here are five grounding techniques that can help you reduce stress and anxiety:


Beyond slb, I regularly dance and spend time on my foam roller to release emotoin. Movement helps release stress, gets blood flowing, and calms the mind. As you move, focus on your body and how it feels. Pay attention to your breath and how your muscles feel.

Deep Breathing

Deep breathing is one of the most effective grounding techniques for stress and anxiety. Regulating your breathing helps you regulate your emotions. Find a quiet place where you can sit comfortably, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths. Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose, filling the lungs completely, then exhale slowly and fully through your mouth. Repeat this exercise for a few minutes, paying attention to your breath as you inhale and exhale.

EFT Tapping

You’ll see me tapping often. Similar to acupuncture, EFT focuses on the meridian points — or energy hot spots — to restore balance to your body’s energy. It’s believed that restoring this energy balance can relieve symptoms a negative experience or emotion may have caused.

Based on Chinese medicine, meridian points are thought of as areas of the body energy flows through. These pathways help balance energy flow to maintain your health. Any imbalance can influence disease or sickness. Acupuncture uses needles to apply pressure to these energy points. EFT uses fingertip tapping to apply pressure.

Sensory Awareness

Grounding through sensory awareness is another effective technique. It involves focusing on your senses to help bring you back to the present moment. Start by sitting or standing with your feet firmly on the ground. Take a deep breath and then focus on your senses. What do you see? What do you hear? What do you feel? Pay attention to each sense and try to describe it in detail in your mind. Sucking on a piece of sour candy or walking outside on the grass barefoot also really helps.


Mindfulness is the practice of being present in the moment, without judgment. It involves paying attention to your thoughts, feelings, and sensations without reacting to them. Find a quiet place where you can sit comfortably, close your eyes, and focus on your breathing. As thoughts come into your mind, acknowledge them, but don't dwell on them. Instead, let them go and return your focus to your breath.


Recovery is an important part of any training program. My very favorite way to recover is myofascial release via foam rolling.

Myofascial release is so undervalued, and if you commit to a regular foam rolling habit the results are incredible. I fully believe that it helps prevent injury. If you want to roll in the AM, I recommend rolling vigorously to stimulate blood flow and wake your limbs up. Nighttime rolling should be gentler, slower and over time it starts to feel relaxing. Personally I find it most beneficial to hit my hamstrings and back before heading to sleep. I’ll admit there’s a pretty high barrier to entry, since the first few times rolling can feel very uncomfortable. I like to find the points of tension as I roll, and pause on them breathing into that spot. Breaking up the fascia feels so good and therapeutic to me before bed.


Rebounding is super fun and provides major health benefits from boosting balance, digestion, lymphatic drainage and immune function.  Rebounding is also more than twice as effective as running without extra stress on the ankles and knees. 

Rebounding is unique since it uses the forces of acceleration and deceleration and can work on every cell in the body.  When you bounce, acceleration occurs as you bounce up, then a split-second weightless pause at the peak, a deceleration at an increased G-force on the way down, then impact to the rebounder, and you repeat. 

In general, the more springs a rebounder has, the better it tends to be. However, the better a rebounder is, the more you’ll pay. Regardless of your budget, I don’t believe that you need to spend more than $250 on an at-home rebounder.  And you don’t need a bungee rebounder…don’t believe the hype.  Springs work just fine.  Over the last ten years I’ve used many brands and can recommend a great one for almost every budget.

Here’s what to look for:   

Comfort: Like a car, all rebounders have a different feel.  Some will feel great jumping barefoot, and with some you’ll want to save your soles and wear shoes.  If you prefer jumping with sneakers, you’ll be able to spend less.  But, if you’re planning on jumping 15 minutes daily, a couple times a week, or a few times a month and you prefer working barefoot, you might want to spring for a comfier one.

Bounce: You’ll sink into some rebounders and they’ll give you a lot more bounce, while others will be firm and give you barely any bounce at all.  Bounce has nothing to do with quality, it really all depends on the type of workout you want.  If it’s for cardio (LB rebounder workouts for sure!) then choose a bouncier one; if it’s mainly for lymphatic drainage, get a tighter one and stay low.  Low bouncing is easier and you won’t get as tired.

Frame Quality: If you get a rebounder with a lousy frame, it will wear over a short period of time.  If you’re going to be using it heavily, get one that can withstand some bouncing.  Some rebounders fold up for easy storage, so if you’re tight on space, keep that in mind. Personally I’m not a fan of the foldable ones.  Some take two people to fold and lock into place, and god forbid your finger gets caught in there.  They sorta scare me, but I’m also scared of bees so…

Here are my top four rebounder picks in three price ranges.  Honestly, I don't love any rebounder in the $100-$150 range, most have straight legs so they walk away from you as you jump and most tend to be pretty noisy. 


1.  Jumpsport Model 250 ($249).  I have this one at home and it's top of the line.  I love it b/c the frame is sturdy and slightly smaller, it's super lightweight, and the arched legs keep it still on the ground during the highest of jumps.  You can also adjust the firmness and tension which is awesome.  The 250 gives you freedom of movement because you can jump on those padded petals, so there's a lot more surface area. This one will last you for life - even with heavy usage. 

2.  Jumpsport Model 220  ($229) Just like the model 250, but the 220 gives you less jumping area without the petals but still provides a LOT of bounce and all the bells and whistles. 

3.  Ancheer Rebounder  ($62-$78) These models are sturdy and one folds up twice, but all are firm with a low bounce.  If you prefer staying low or are tall and have low ceilings these are a great option.

4. Stamina Folding Rebounder ($31.89) This quiet little rebounder comes in chic colors and folds up if you're looking to save space.  It's very reasonably priced but is a starter model so I'm guessing this will last you six months to one year if you're planning on jumping one hour daily/5x a week.  This one is a great option if you're looking to jump in and then upgrade in time. 


We are so excited! Go Birds! I’ll be at Joy’s on Sunday and I’m sharing my go-to sides, minus my main which is always my homemade meatballs. I’ll be real- Bob’s cooking (he should have been a chef) and we’ll probably order Boos Philly cheesesteaks, too.

I’m in love with a spicy, chunky guacamole and have been known to get after some wings too... but game day eats are always best in moderation. I dabble but I don’t indulge too much and I always keep my side dishes healthy.

The Super Bowl will on air for almost 4 hours Sunday, so here’s a few options I’m making for some crunch, some umami, and some sweetness that will leave not leave you bloated on Monday.


Image via Getty Images

Image via Getty Images


  • 1 1/2 cups julienned veggies (I like cucumber, zucchini, carrots, and bell pepper)

  • 1 bunch fresh cilantro

  • 1 bunch fresh mint

  • 1/2 cup vermicelli noodles

  • 8-10 whole spring roll rice papers

  • These are great just as veggie, but adding cooked shrimp, cooked ground chicken, or spiced cooked tofu are all good options to bulk them up.

Peanut Sauce

  • 1/3 cup creamy peanut butter

  • 1 Tbsp soy sauce (tamari if gluten-free)

  • 1-2 Tbsp agave or honey (depending on preferred sweetness)

  • 1 Tbsp fresh lime juice

  • 1 tsp Sriracha


  1. Start by preparing vermicelli noodles per the package, drain and set aside.

  2. Whisk all peanut sauce ingredients. Add hot water to thin if necessary 

  3. Immerse rice paper in a skillet of hot water to soften for about 10-15 seconds.

  4. Transfer rice paper to a damp cutting board or damp towel and gently spread out edges into a circle. 

  5. Place a small handful of vermicelli noodles and layer carrots, bell peppers, cucumber, fresh herbs on the bottom third of the rice paper. Gently fold over once, tuck in edges, and continue rolling until seam is sealed.

  6. Place seam-side down on a serving platter and cover with damp warm towel to keep fresh. Repeat until all fillings are used up – about 8-10 spring rolls total.

  7. Serve with peanut sauce and sriracha or hot sauce of choice.


Image via FoodGawker

Image via FoodGawker


  • 4 bell peppers, cut into small wedges

  • 2 tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil

  • 1/2 tsp. ground cumin

  • 1/2 tsp. chili powder

  • 1/4 tsp. garlic powder

  • Kosher salt

  • Freshly ground black pepper

  • 2 1/2 c. shredded cheese (Monterey Jack,

  • cheddar, or any vegan option will work)

  • 1/2 avocado, sliced

  • 1 c. salsa (I like pico de gallo)

  • 1/2 c. pickled jalapeño slices

  • Lime wedges, for serving


  1. Preheat oven to 425° and line two small baking sheets with foil.

  2. Divide bell peppers between baking sheets. Toss with olive oil, cumin, chili powder, and garlic powder. Season generously with salt and pepper. Lay the wedges on the baking sheets in a single layer, cut side up. Bake until peppers are crisp-tender, about 10 minutes.

  3. Top bell peppers with both Monterey Jack and cheddar. Bake until cheese is bubbly, about 10 minutes.

  4. Top with avocado slices, salsa, and pickled jalapeños. Squeeze a lime wedge on top and serve with more lime wedges.



  • 2 pounds strawberries

  • 1 tablespoon agave

  • 1/2 teaspoons kosher salt

  • 1 cup tequila

  • 1 lime , juiced and zested


  1. Trim strawberries and cut them in half.

  2. In a large bowl add the strawberries, agave, salt, tequila, lime juice and zest together.

  3. Let sit for 20 minutes before serving. These are great as a garnish for a cocktail, or on their own. Make sure you have a DD!


Originally posted Feb 2021. This week I’m sharing my green hummus recipe that I’ve been holding because it’s perfect for watching the Super Bowl. I’ve been making regularly since the lockdown began and I love having this on hand - Mars loves it (and it’s not pizza or pasta!) and I eat it with crudités as a snack. Any olive oil will do but I’ve been using Wonder Valley Olive Oil and I love it. It’s buttery, fresh and herbaceous - it really tastes alive. The olives are hand-picked young, yielding a greener oil full of polyphenols—a powerful antioxidant.


  • juice of 1 large lemon

  • 1/4 cup tahini

  • 1/4 cup olive oil (I love Wonder Valley)

  • 1 can chickpeas, drained and rinsed

  • 1/2 cup frozen baby sweet peas, thawed

  • 1/2 cup chopped fresh cilantro (plus more to taste)

  • 1-2 garlic cloves

  • salt to taste

  • 3 tablespoons water


Put everything except the water into a food processor or high speed blender for approx 1 min. then add water while blending until desired creaminess is reached. 

* Tip: Mince or chop the garlic, then let it rest for ten or fifteen minutes. This will allow for the production of allicin, a phytochemical responsible for garlic’s anti-inflammatory, anticancer, and immune-boosting properties.

Turning Thoughts Into Things

I believe we can facilitate change in our own lives; to live the life we want as the person we really want to be. You can turn goals into reality by setting intentions for the week or month ahead by writing them down on craft paper or reciting them aloud by candlelight.

Get crafty - buy colored pens, stickers, craft paper, and manifestation candles and set up at tour kitchen table, office or craft table. Creating this monthly or weekly ritual will help you vibrate at your highest energy, and enable you to manifest your deepest desires into your life—and prepare to soar. I swear by this. I light my candles daily and write out my monthly goals at the beginning of each month.

When you’re manifesting, each time you light a candle, call in the energies needed to turn your thoughts into things or maybe even think about getting that thing that’s keeping you from doing the thing.

Breaking Negative Thought Cycles

SLB Nov. fireside chat preview > > Being an athlete has really shaped who I am and has taught me how to break out of the negative and focus in on and prioritize my physical/mental well-being, with zero guilt attached. I hope that (through SLB) I give you the courage to put yourself first and express yourself freely, while celebrating your lifeforce and your body, everyday.

I’ve worked in this space (and w/ women) for almost 20 years 😳 now and during this time I’ve overheard many women say some pretty gnarly things to themselves. Like, if you heard someone say these things to someone else you’d be furious, right?

3 Steps to Break Negative Thought Cycles About Yourself:

1. Get to know your triggers. Pinpoint the situations, people or contexts that trigger negativity and then limit your exposure to them.

2. Focus on and reframe your thought patterns. Reframing is a type of self-talk where you force those negative thoughts to flip 180 degrees and attack them. Distorted thinking happens when our minds try to convince us of something that isn’t true. Often, it serves to reinforce critical ideas we have about ourselves or our worth. You may have an intrusive thought like, “My skin is so bad, no one will ever want to hire me.” This is an example of black and white thinking (rather than seeing life as more grey, uncertain and constantly changing).

3. Be kind to yourself and your body. Set aside time every day to do at least one thing that makes you feel really good. That might be a bath, making your favorite smoothie, stretching or doing SLB. Giving yourself what you need in the moment can reduce anxiety and can help disrupt negative thought cycles.

Looking forward to diving deeper with SLB members next month.



We’ve all been through a lot, right? We’re overextended, emotionally tapped out, and are most likely not our full, authentic selves. I find that many of the people I’m currently working with are unbalanced, want to change and are inspired to take action but as they are getting back into their bodies through movement, they’re confronting a lot of fear and pain as so much of it is buried and stored in the body.

All this really got me thinking about the darker sides of us (the shadow self) and doing shadow work for healing and how healing can lead to wholeness, happiness and improved relationships with ourselves and others.

Psychiatrist Carl Jung described “the shadow self” (aka, “your shit”) as the site of repressed emotions and desires hidden from our conscious awareness. Shadow work involves bringing these unconscious desires to the forefront so we can better understand them, heal them and then integrate them in a healthy way to bring productive change in our lives. “Everyone carries a shadow, and the less it is embodied in the individual’s conscious life, the blacker and denser it is,” Jung wrote. In essence, the shadow self is the darker side of ourselves we repress or ignore. Just think of it as all your sh*t you drag around with you on a daily basis.

What is shadow work?

Jung’s believed that if you didn’t embrace the entirety of your being, you couldn’t live a full life. “Until you make the unconscious, conscious, it will direct your life, and you will call it fate.” A shadow can lead to limiting beliefs, which may snowball into all manner of undesirable outcomes: self-sabotage, destructive behavior, ruined relationships, etc.

The concept of shadow work, then, is acknowledging all parts of the psyche — effectively bringing what is dark into the light. You can’t have balance without both the dark and the light. Shadow work actualizes living a multi-faceted life that incorporates everything - the good, the bad, the beautiful and the uncertain.

How do you do shadow work on yourself?

Confront your shadow: In layman’s terms, this looks a lot like exploring the full breadth of your feelings. To flush out your shadow, you must be willing to lean into all of your emotions and accept that even the “negative” ones belong and are valid. First, ask yourself questions. When you feel the surge of emotion, ask yourself why you felt it. Give yourself a minute to respond. Learning to listen to your (full) self definitely takes some time.

Get to the heart of it and own it: An important step in shadow work is identifying your shadow, then getting to the heart of it and owning it. What feelings bubbled up and led to this blockage? Do you struggle with feelings of self-doubt? This step can understandably be one hundred percent uncomfortable.

Believe you’re worth it: Confronting the darker parts of your own psyche won’t exactly be fun. The more you dig, the darker things will probably get. Your natural inclination might be to blame yourself or blame others for any negative behavior patterns. So, as you move further into shadow work, it’s important to remember to be kind. You definitely will find things you don’t like. Believe you’re worthy of the work.

What else did Carl Jung say?

“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.”

“A man who has not passed through the inferno of his passions has never overcome them. As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being. Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.”

“Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”

“I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.”

“Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darkness of other people.”

“The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.”

“Where love rules, there is no will to power, and where power predominates, love is lacking. The one is the shadow of the other.”

“Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word ‘happy’ would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness.”

“Nothing has a stronger influence psychologically on their environment and especially on their children than the un-lived life of the parent.”



Your SLB practice comes with a ton of small perks, like stress management, better sleep, lifted glutes, and an overall healthy body, which add up to a more radiant, gorgeous you. In my opinion, the ultimate outcome of any fitness program is feeling GREAT in your skin. So many of you ask me how I look so “young” (THANK YOU) and I really do have to credit SLB and a healthy diet, of course.

We all know that our overall health radiates from the inside out. Exercise has been shown to not only keeps us fit, and strong but to have a cascade of positive effects that benefit our bodies in many ways:

Exercise Increases Sex Drive, Sex Hormones and Feelings of Attractiveness.

Do you feel sexy? You should - you deserve to! SLB not only makes you look sexy, it also makes you feel sexy by balancing the body's sex hormone levels, which in turn can improve the appearance of hair, skin and muscle tone. The most studied hormones linked to exercise are endorphins, and sex hormones, such as testosterone and human growth hormone HGH — which both get a boost by moving your body. And, remember, testosterone fuels sex drive in both men and women, so this isn’t one-sided.

What’s really interesting is I recently had my hormone panel checked by my friend, Urologist Dr. Joshua Gonzalez here in LA and everything was normal but my testosterone was elevated and I think that SLB could absolutely be why.

You can tailor your workout to produce more testosterone, says C.W. Randolph, MD. cofounder of the Natural Hormone Institute of America and coauthor of In The Mood Again. At SLB we are always doing compound movements and working large muscle groups. Randolph says working large muscle groups — doing things like squats, lunges, dead lifts, bench presses and rows — ramps up testosterone more than single-joint, small-muscle-group movements like biceps curls or triceps extensions. (For more on the sex appeal of good health, see “Faked Fitness”.)

Exercise Improves Skin Tone and Texture.

The Texas Heart Institute reports that a person who exercises vigorously and regularly has lower levels of circulating stress-related hormones, which helps improve the health of the blood vessel lining. Moderate exercise everyday can strengthen the heart and arteries, making the circulatory system more efficient. That improved circulation floods our skin with oxygen- and nutrient-rich blood cells. The results: A healthier complexion with clearer skin with a more healthy coloration. But consistency counts: Researchers at the Institute found that the heart goes back to its baseline strength after just 2-3 weeks off of exercise.

Better Mood

Researchers have been looking into the link between exercise and cognition for several decades. One conclusive and undeniable truth has emerged from these studies: Exercise boosts your mood because it fundamentally changes your brain, both in the moment and over time.

What kind of impact, you ask? For starters, when you exercise, your heart rate increases and your body pumps more oxygen to your brain. That process can affect your overall positivity, as multiple studies have found that a well-oxygenated brain helps manage anxiety and depression. Other studies have found that exercise may help alleviate depression and anxiety overall.

Research has also shown that after 20 or 30 minutes of aerobic exercise, your body releases chemicals called endorphins that interact with receptors in your brain that reduce your perception of pain—meaning you're more likely to feel positive and upbeat during a tough workout. It also releases other mood-enhancing chemicals like serotonin and dopamine that can stick around in your brain for a couple of hours after you exercise (all via Mindbodygreen).


Breaking a sweat isn’t the only way exercise benefits the skin — it also reduces body-wide inflammation, helps regulate skin-significant hormones and prevents free-radical damage. When you exercise, the tiny arteries in your skin open up, allowing more blood to reach the skin’s surface and deliver nutrients that repair damage from the sun and environmental pollutants. These nutrients also rev up the skin’s collagen production, thwarting wrinkles and help fibroblasts work more efficiently so the skin looks younger.

Better Immunity and Detoxification

Exercise also keeps the lymph system happy. The body has roughly 500 lymph nodes — little nodules of tissue that take out metabolic trash. But the nodes can’t haul garbage to the curb without the help of nearby muscles. When muscles contract during exercise, they put the squeeze on lymph nodes, helping them pump waste out of your system. Result: You look less puffy and polluted.

Less Visceral Fat

Yes, exercise can help you lose your love handles, but it’s the loss of excess fat deep inside the body that boosts your overall vitality and your looks.

The body contains two types of fat. The one you can pinch (subcutaneous) is relatively benign. But the less visible stuff, the visceral fat that pads the abdominal organs like so many packing peanuts, can be a killer. Excess visceral fat fuels low-grade inflammation in the body and is tied to a virtual who’s who of 21st-century ills, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, colon cancer, breast cancer and dementia. It can also upset the balance of important hormones (more on that to come) that affect your skin, hair and general appearance.

Lauren Boggi's Summer Beauty and Wellness Staples


It’s high summer and I’m sharing a few of my favorite beauty and wellness hero products that I lean on as the weather heats up. Hero products are those that have changed my life, make me feel beautiful and that I honestly can’t live without. Feeling and looking beautiful is all about self-discovery and adopting what works for you, individually. There is no singular magic product but some really are next level.

Koniver Wellness Peptides - I’ve been on a peptide regimen for the past five years. They help me with recovery and just make such an impact on my overall well-bing. Koniver Wellness GLOW Peptides are next level. It has increased my skin’s glow, eradicated my acne rosacea, reduces healing time and full body recovery, post-workout. It’s an investment that’s 100% worth it.

Green Juice - I start everyday with an alkaline, low-glycemic green juice. I’ve named it the 6:15 and my recipe (and favorite at-home juicer) will be hitting your inbox soon!

Eye Cream - Shani Darden Intensive Renewal Eye Cream works. It’s on my face every day, twice a day.

Mask - I’ve been using Adipeau as a sleeping mask religiously since September 2020 and it keeps my face as fit as my body. It is an anti-inflammatory and prevents skin atrophy (thinning of skin cells), wrinkling of the skin, and loss of elasticity.

Tinted Moisturizer/SPF - Saie knocked it out of the park with Sunvisor, which is a serum, oil, moisturizer and sunscreen all in one. I have one in my car and every bag. I can’t imagine going without it.

Faux Freckles - I’m rarely in the sun but Freck gives me my freckles back without the damage. I love it’s build-ability and believablity.

Alkaline Water - I drink alkaline water everyday but I always struggle getting enough water in everyday. The Bodum Water Kettle changed that. It’s my secret to drinking more water daily. The sleek modern design looks great in any kitchen and you can’t beat hot water in less than one minute.

Stress Management Supplement - Moon Juice SuperYou is an adaptogen that I take every morning and it just makes me feel great and takes the edge off. I’m more focused and a better human and mom.

CBD Skincare - Happy Dance™ is a line of premium CBD products by Kristin Bell made with moms in mind and I swear the bath bomb helped get me through the pandemic. I love it so much that I’m on the subscription. It’s next level moisturizing and knocks you out cold and I use the coconut melt and body butter everyday.

Body Lotion - I’m obsessed with DNA Skin Institute’s Island Infusion Body Nectar. It’s SO dry here in LA and this lotion brings my skin back to balance and smells so so good. I’ve never met a lotion like this one. Thanks to Heather Nicole Skincare for the introduction.



When you show up for yourself and focus on whole health and well-being it really becomes a fulfilling lifestyle. A sense of equilibrium and overall calm in our mind-body connection is so key. Between work, family, social, personal development, and health obligations, our days zoom by in a hectic frenzy and it’s typically after our workout that we’re actually re-centered. Here are a few ways to stay in that zone and keep the balance going.

Epsom Salt Bath

I find that women often avoid self-care practices like long, luxurious baths and consider them selfish, a misuse of time, or overly indulgent. Have you felt that way? Well let me be the one to tell you: you totally deserve it. If I’ve had a long day filming and feel muscle soreness, an epsom salt bath and a book are exactly what I need.

Wine Down

I’ll often skip wine or a cocktail with dinner in favor of having one either during my bath or just before bed. A Ramona or a great glass of red - sometimes super light Pinot Noir or something spicy like a Tempranillo - helps me chill out and slow down. In moderation, polyphenol antioxidants in red wine like resveratrol have been shown to be heart healthy which is a nice bonus.

During this time, I like to stop any endless scrolling on the phone or working on my laptop and fully unplug. Some nights it means enjoying comfortable silence solo, and others it means downloading with Jordan when he’s in LA.


You guys know that I’m a believer. From oil to high potency CBD bombs, it’s in my life (especially at night) on the regular.


Myofascial release is so undervalued, and if you commit to a regular foam rolling habit the results are incredible. In the AM, I recommend rolling vigorously to stimulate blood flow and wake your limbs up. Nighttime rolling should be gentler, slower and over time it starts to feel relaxing. Personally I find it most beneficial to hit my hamstrings and back before heading to sleep. I’ll admit there’s a pretty high barrier to entry, since the first few times rolling can feel very uncomfortable. I like to find the points of tension as I roll, and pause on them breathing into that spot. Breaking up the fascia feels so good and therapeutic to me before bed.